Buy-Side Services

Industry Leaders, Confident Conversation

The Alta Group is the industry leader in the sale of equipment finance and leasing companies. As former industry executives, we work on behalf of parties to identify finance companies that meet defined buyer criteria. We perform discreet, confidential outreach to determine shared interest in formal introductions and discussions about potential acquisition.

Essential Experience, Networked Experts

Alta focuses solely on the equipment finance and leasing industry and our advisors know the industry’s senior management teams and owners both personally and professionally. Our comprehensive and detailed process allows us to expertly represent the buyer’s interest and identify companies that meet or exceed specific target criteria for an acquisition target. We understand the importance of confidentiality and discretion throughout the process to ensure all parties are protected. Alta works to structure the terms and pricing of the transaction in a manner that is attractive to the seller but also mitigates risk for the buyer. With our exclusive focus on equipment leasing and finance businesses, Alta has the industry experience necessary to achieve the best deal for the buyer.

Customized Process, Clear Results

Our process ensures a strong cultural fit and optimized price for clients.

Expected Benefits
  1. Ensured strong cultural fit
  2. Optimized price
  3. Tailored and discreet process